Saturday, December 4, 2010

India's Problems

A big issue in India is the trafficking of human beings. They traffic men, woman and even children. They are trafficked for forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage. They traffic women for them to be prostitutes. The forced labor consists of working on brick kilns, rice mills, agricultural, and embroidery factories. Children are trafficked for factory workers, domestic servants, beggars, and agriculture workers, and they have been used in the army by some terrorist and insurgent groups. The children are used by people to make them do hard labor for no pay. They do the hard jobs that no one wants to do. One example of a job is working in the stone breaking industry. Children have to walk in a river to find and collect big stones to use for construction. Each stone they collect they have to carry the stones to shore where they are then broken up and construction companies come and collect them. Anuradha Koirala,the CNN hero of the year is trying to put an end to human trafficking and child exploitation. She started an orphanage to help women and young girls get over what has happened to them and get medicine for any sexual transmitted diseases.  When she takes in a woman or a girl she doesn’t bother them. She says she waits for the ladies to get comfortable with their new surroundings. Science 1993 Anuradha Koirala has helped rescue more than 12,000 women and girls. This is my paragraph on India’s problems, and who is helping them.

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