Sunday, October 24, 2010

Civil War in Sudan

In-migration: To move to a different part of the same community or territory.

Out-migration: To move out of a community, region, or country to go to some wear else.

Forced migration: Being forced to move out of a place.

Net internal migration:  The difference between immigration and emigration in a certain area during a specific time.

Movers from abroad: Is number of people who moved into a certain area.

Internally displaced person: Is someone who is forcefully taken from their home and sent somewhere else.

     The civil war in Sudan started in 1983 when Sudan’s president said that all non-Muslimism people should be put to death. Their president’s name is Nimeiri. He wants Sudan to be a one religion country instead of multiple religions.  People have to flee the country so they don’t get killed. Some go to cities others flee into the desert where they can’t grow food. The war is still going on today although they are trying to get the president to sign a peace treaty.

     The part of the movie was about the men getting to America. The men were learning about how to use the lights, how to shower, what a refrigerator is used for and other simple tasks. They had to learn how to buy things at the grocery store and what was and wasn’t for sale. They had to get jobs so they could pay the government back for getting them to America.

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