1. The current population of India is 1,173,108,018. CIA fact book.
2. The Total fertility of India is 2.65 children/per woman. CIA fact book.
3. 25% of India’s population lives below the poverty line. CIA fact book.
4. February 14, 2010 Pakistan detonated a bomb in a bakery in India. On January 17, 2010 there was a car bombing in Kashmir. New York Times.
5. India is ranked 119th on the poverty line. New York Times.
6. There was a monsoon that hit Surat India. It raised the water level of the dam by 350ft. the dam workers released the gates and it swept into Surat. It killed 120 people in three days. 4,000 animal carcasses were found. New York Times.
7. India is having trouble get water to its people because the water is contaminated. It has sewage flowing into it has trash and other junk in it. The water cleaning places can’t produce enough clean water to give to is people. New York Times.
8. The literacy rate for men is 73.4% and for women it is 48.7%. CIA fact book.
9. Hindu is the biggest religion in India with 80.5% of the population. Then it is Muslim with 13.4%. CIA fact book.
10. India achieved its impendence on August 15, 1947 from the UK. CIA fact bok.
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